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Isbjörn - Spinnaker Groove... NIGHT-TIME BLAZING

"Popped the chute" at 1400hrs and have been blazin' ever since! All hands on deck for the set in 15 knots of breeze ... managed a full hoist to the top of the rig, bashed knuckles and all.

It's now post-sunset and were broad reaching under spinnaker in amazing conditions that rarely present themselves offshore for a such a lengthy period. For the past six hours the boat speed has not dropped below 7.5 knots, induced by 10-13kts of apparent windspeed! Everyone is taking a stretch at the helm and learning the nuances of spinnaker-sailing a thorough-bred offshore machine. I managed one stretch of helming that took Isbjorn to a sustained groove of 8.5 knots lasting several minutes.

The steaming light is illuminating the spinnaker by which we helm exclusively to the curl and tension of her leading edge. Balance was attained by coaxing our groove around our desired heading of 145 degrees magnetic, tweaking tack and sheet settings and mainsail to create a powerful and workable sail-plan.

We're looking forward to these continued conditions at least into tomorrow as we blaze toward the Caribbean. Spirits aboard are high and it was the first time the entire crew ate dinner together in the cockpit at sunset ... made extra-cool by a spinnaker that we all set and trimmed together as a team.

No one can touch us out here ... we is "stoned cold, immaculate."

Capt. Paul Exner
Honorary Skipper for Isbjorn
2035 AST, Nov 14, 2015

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