PG Roshni - 27/11 1050 Roaches
14:28.3N 51:2.8W
Long debates this morning about when we should gybe as the wind swings consistently E then NE then ESE and makes my angle calcs all a mess :(. As usual the when you don't know what to do - don't do anything so instead of messing with the sails we are living the dream cleaning.
I snugged up the steering cables while swabbing out the residual rain and sea water from the laz.
Last night while enjoying a quick wee before bed I looked down to my left and horror on horrors I thought I saw a blooming roach looking back at me or what ever it is they do.
I picked it up to examine it with the loo cleaning cloth but couldn't swear it was one anyway so being the kind hearted soul I am I crushed it in the cloth and lobbed it into the ogin. So further living the dream checking the bilges (removed 8 buckets of shower water which had run into the bilge because the lid was open on the pump box :(); cleaning round everything, drawers out etc and spraying down with some evil looking roach spray.
Happy days .. Will update later with other news :)