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Rhumb - Day 7- Pfaffing About

Pretty dreadful day with little wind. What there was seemed to take us more north which was a worry. We think it was as a result of a big squall which crossed in front of us churning up the wind patterns. Definitely need to study the effect of this more.

Decided to pull in and drop the main as it was banging and crashing and working against rather than for. Spent a couple of hours moving at around 320deg north with just the genoa before deciding, to skipper's disgruntlement as he had gone fishing, to change the rig to the other side. Nicely done this time achieving a PB of 30 mins by the time we rounded off the gybe to 260deg.

Have been tracking this course for a while now, but it's still slow as the wind remains light. The only saving grace is that the others we are following are struggling too. That said, our excursion north today may have cost us. These conditions too are rather set for the next day or two so it's just a case of patience, patience and more …… patience

Despite the disappointments we have eaten well again, with smoked salmon and scrambled eggs for brunch, and then chicken curry this evening.

A couple more dolphins off the port bow again as I write this - waiting for our dinner leftovers maybe.

So with that news we leave you a tad more buoyant than we would have done earlier today. But as they say, that's blue water sailing for you.

Rhumb over -- N22.05 W28.01

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