November 30, 2015 – Yesterday late afternoon, before we started the night shifts, the wind increased slightly. With the code 1 and mainsail up we hand steered instead of using the auto pilot so to catch as much wind as possible. Great sail it is the code 1.
The night was peaceful and steady. Still a relatively flat sea but with some more wind now. We went on average 7 knots in speed and the sky was clear so we could see the moon rising from the sea horizon.
In the early morning we reached our waypoint. From here on we get into the more windy area that we had seen on the grib files and we can move westwards, directly towards Saint Lucia. With this new course (260 degrees) the wind comes from the back, which is perfect for the parasailor. Our 2 previous experiences with the parasailor were not perfect yet. It’s a new sail for the crew and it’s not that easy to manage a 206 square meter sail! But also we think the wind was too weak for the parasailor, the code 1 was better at that time. Today however the wind is 10 to 13 knots and the parasailor is doing great! We make a speed of 7 to 9 knots flat downwind, something we couldn’t have done with the gennaker.
It’s still beautiful weather, very warm actually. And today we saw another boat on the horizon which just called us on the VHF phone. We’ve had Mahi Mahi curry fur lunch, SUPER delicious, and now it is time for our siesta in the sun.
Our position is 16⁰45min North & 31⁰42min West. Greetings from the middle of the Atlantic Ocean!