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Hot Stuff - blog Day 8 'Letters to Home'

Letters to home:
From Sarah:
"To my darling husband, I miss and think about you lots-  Windermere Springs to mind and I chuckle to myself - it's much harder than I thought but the girls are an eclectic bunch which is fun yet supportive! Love you baby always.
Thinking of you Daniel, hope the cats are keeping you company.
Nadia, Suz and Lisa - my crazy lovely ladies - I miss our wacky nights and you can't believe how tidy Ive had to become! I'm not even going to talk about the cooking. - Big waves to Ego Girlies!
The sailing is fantastic but wow how challenging in the Atlantic swell and up to 35 knots! Argh!!
Nearly my birthday - open the bubbles!
From Jane:
"I cannot believe it has been two weeks since I said goodbye to you all. So, so much has happened. Every day brings some new experience, new knowledge, drama and emotion. You will all be happy to hear that to say I am enjoying this adventure would be a huge understatement. From the trepidation that I felt as we left, to the feeling of 'what on earth have I let myself in for' as I squeezed into my cabin with my two bedroom buddies, to the utter elation of the night sailing with my 'watch', to the numerous small and larger unfolding dramas, to the utter beaty of looking around a 360 degree view of nothing but the sea as the sun rises, to the many dolphins who playfully accompany us and so, so much more. It is hard to express first how much this trip means to me.
And all the while I am thinking of you, loving and missing you. I am so excited for the next two weeks but can't wait to see you."
From Karen:
"Hey lovely peeps. I am having an amazing time. The journey has been tough at times but I am loving every moment. Things I miss: wine, showers, Cesca and B's cocktails and going to bed without the risk of falling out again.
I can't believe I have only known the other ladies aboard a couple of weeks it almost feels like normal family life onboard. Every one of these ladies is amazing.
Sean and Liam - I am looking forward to us all being together for xmas in Beijing. I hope you are both OK. It feels odd not being able to just pick up the phone and say hi when I want to. Cesca - how are the duck breasts doing? Are you keeping B in line? It's tough but someone has to do it.
G - looking forward to seeing you on the 20th X
Tom and Dave - tell the guys I may not get back until the 19th but secret santa is in hand.
Jane let mum know I am OK.
And to anyone else checking in on my progress Hilda looks forward to telling you all her sea faring tales when she gets home."
From Alice:
"Hello my beautiful family and friends.
I hope you are all well and happy. I can't wait to hear from you when I am back in civilization!
Mum, I hope you had a lovely birthday and enjoyed your flowers! Josh, wishing you a very happy birthday for yesterday. I hope you both celebrated in style.
Lots of love to you Dad!
Lily, I'm guessing you're too busy being awesome to read his but I love you so much and miss your lovely face!
Finally to my beautiful Adam. I am hoping your week has been OK, and that you had a good successful day on Friday whatever you decided to do. I miss you more than ever and can't wait until I next get to see you. Please look after yourself!
I am happy, healthy and enjoying the crossing very much. It's an honour to work with such a fantastic skipper. I'm learning new skills all the time - from finite spinnaker trimming to how to make your eyelashes grow faster (there is a beautician onboard). Being part of a journey that is such a challenge and means so much to the women on-board is incredible. So lovely to watch people overcome their fears.
So much love to you all.
Speak soon.
From Thalitta:
" 'Open your eyes and you see the world, live your dreams and be happy'
mine eigend blog het gad es funkloch. abr wier schriebe ja jede tag es paar anektote ufum hot stuff blog. ich hoffe ier verstaeht das very british english. ich naemli nit immer, hihi.
aesch immer uhuerra luschtig am mabe der blog d schriebe und ds tschegge waswer wieder alls erlaebt hei - ungloebli. aes isch e 24h betrieb mit schichte a 3-4h (choche, putze,schlafe, aesse, segle). aesch immer epis ztue, ds tschudle, ds repariere odr eifach numu im bikini da dsii und di ungloeibli witii und stilli  ds gniesse. odr iner nacht dr prachtvolli staernehimmel z bestuene und e stund spaeter in hellem vollmondliecht en aller z friedeheit d segle. ueser wen dr skipper nikki gad in stock fischterer nacht e halsi mache will mim spinaker - huerra guet gsi. schliessli siwer ja am race und ersch nu guet dri.
churz gseiht - uhuerra guet!
bescht entscheidig gsi mit nin wiber ubr de atlantik d segle.
                              just happy!
happz birthday hausi!
From Natalie:
"Hey ihr Lieben,
nach fast der Haelfte unserer Strecke, beginnt sich das Bootsleben zu normalisieren. Vor drei Tagen habe ich aufgehoert die Tabletten gegen Seekrankheit zu nehmen und das Schaukeln faellt fast garnichtmehr auf. Ausser vielleicht beim Kochen, eine echte Herausforderung wenn  bei 3Meter Wellen alles umkippt.
Die Stimmung an Bord ist immernoch sehr lustig und locker. Fuer die Platzumstaende echt ausgeglichen, wenn man bedenkt, dass wir immer zwei Betten zu dritt teilen (einer muss ja immer wach sein).
Neben den vielen Aufgaben,die es jeden Tag zu erledigen gibt, liebe ich die Zeit in der nichts zu tun ist und ich nachdenken und die Wellen beobachten kann. Viel Zeit fuer mich, danke Mama fuer die vielen Denkanstoesse von dir, die mir immer wieder aufkommen ;).
Mit meiner Angelerfahrung und dem Wissen unserer Skipperin Nikki, haben wir schon zwei recht grosse Doraden gefangen, ausgenommen und gekocht. Danke hier Papa und Jungs fuer das Beibringen ;).
Ich vermisse euch alle sehr und denke oft an euch. Mir faellt immer wieder auf was fuer eine tolle Familie ich habe. Sagt ganz liebe gruesse an alle, die das nicht lesen.
Maedels falls ihr mal reinschaut, ich liebe euch mega und freu mich schon so, wieder mit euch feiern zu gehen. Bisschen action.Es fehlt extrem mit euch ueber alles zu laban. Ist einfach einmalig!"
From Ulli:
"Vorab 2 FAKTEN
1. mir geht es gut
2. ich kenne jetzt die Seekrankheit
Ich kann euch versichern, ich hatte nicht den Hauch einer  Ahnung wie es wirklich ist den Atlantik zu segeln.
Ich kann tatsaechlich mit 2 Stunden Schlaf auskommen. Hier lerne ich mehr ueber meine Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen als jemals zuvor. Egal, wie viele Bilder Ihr Euch spaeter ansehen muesst, das hier kann sich keiner vorstellen.
In so vielen Situationen denke ich an Euch. Hase, Mutti, Papa, Letti, Rina, Alina, Netti, Bienchen, Frau Mueller. Ich kann nicht alle aufzaehlen. In meinen Gedanken seid Ihr mit auf dieser grossen Reise. Ich vermisse Euch sehr und bin dankbar Euch heute einen kleinen Gruss schicken zu koennen.
Eure Ulli/Ulrike :-)
PS Hase, ich liebe Dich! Der Brief fuer schlimme Tage ist noch zu
PPS Netti, alles liebe nachtraeglich zum Geburtstag”
From Nikki
"Huge hugs and love to you from the (nearly half way) middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Every night I look at the stars and remember we share the same beautiful beautiful sky and moon and stars even if we are thousands of miles away. Even all the way out here in the sea I never feel alone.
Once again I've been very fortunate with the crew. They are all just about sane. ;) Some great characters here. Lots of laughing - the sort where your stomach aches after. As usual I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to witness their journeys. I get to watch how they develop from a bundle of nerves into fearless sailors. The ocean pushes us and tests our limits further than we could ever think was possible. It's incredible to see the women change - grow in confidence, bloom, feel empowered - as the sense of pride and achievement overwhelms them.
Every time I do this crossing I wish that I could share some of my special  moments at sea with the people I love. That typical question of "how was it" when you get home is one that is impossible to answer. 3000 miles is such a long way. It's magical, hard, exhausting, beautiful, and awesome fun.
All happy, healthy and well onboard  - lots of love to family, friends, John and  my niece baby Astrid too!"

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