583 miles until we reach St Helena.
All is well on board Team Aretha. Schooling once again in full flow. Willow drawing, Nichola and Columbus doing maths, Bluebell studying China with Paul.
After 25-30,000 miles I think we’ve finally decided on a boat song… Animals by Martin Garrix - plenty of dancing on board yesterday.
Inspired by finishing a bottle of Roses Lime Juice, we put a message in a bottle (one of our Team Aretha posters) and it went over the side at 23 04 South 04 50 East … We’ve put our details in there and a message to say that should anyone find it and return
it, they’ll get a Team Aretha Crew Shirt (only otherwise eligible if you’ve sailed over 300 miles with Team Aretha) and a special additional prize.
Seas are calm, decks are flat and crew are happy - especially as we have Roast Lamb for supper tonight.
The South Atlantic is very peaceful. No phones ringing. No emails buzzing. No distractions. Simple.
Have an awesome day everyone
Team Aretha in the South Atlantic, Out.