Paw Paw - Log Day 56: Up and Down Like a Yo-Yo
It's been a day of exercise, mostly for Roy. If we dropped and raised the main sail once, we did it a hundred times. I don't think we have ever made so many sail changes in one day. We've either had no wind or some wind or reasnabky good wind or wind from the wrong direction ie on the nose. So rather than loose the south westing we've made to pick up the stable trades, it's been a case of sails down, motors on, then sails up, motors off, then head sail down, motors stay on, then gennaker, up, then gennaker down. It's been ludicrous to say the least.
Right now it's stronger wind on the nose with motors on, head sail furled and main sheeted in as we wait on a directional change. Nope. Change that. Motors off. We're sailing with some isolated showers added for interest aka we're now wet from doing the sail changes. Nope change that. Wind has dropped again. We're motor sailing. I kid you not! This, all in the time it has taken to write this update.
And we atill have 2564NM to go.