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Alcedo of Ryme - Blog 24. At sea. 7.03.15S 109.08.63W

Wednesday, 9/03/16. A lovely sunny morning with just enough wind to keep going providing we steer more South than the magenta line. We have clicked off another 100nm and are now 1780 from our WP off Hiva Oa and really looking forward to reaching the half way distance, which looks like the day after tomorrow.

The lunch time cook has prepared lunch and has now gone to have a "cool down" shower. The fishing line is out in the hope of catching supper, but there is something out of the deep freeze for Plan B. The last of the bananas was eaten at breakfast time, but we have grapes and apples in the fridge and loads of limes to fight off the scurvy. The truffles are holding up well and we are well impressed that they actually arrived in time. Hate to think what the cost per truffle was, but they are truly appreciated, thank you again Sarah. The Scopaderm pads are working well and we are eating so well that we are all, the girls that is, worried about putting on weight.

The Skipper and Jane have had a go at navigation by sextant and we have all been watching the balloons that represent the boats on the Yellow Brick App do their dance around each other as they make the best of the conditions depending on their wardrobe of sails. We have only the full main and Genoa for the current wind direction and are happiest when the wind is SSE or SE. The Ship's Boy thought for the day: We are not racing, we just want to get there first".


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