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Paw Paw - Log Day 61: Familar Voices to Brighten Our Day

It's been a quiet day onbosrd. The seas eventually moderated this morning and the sun came out briefly, but of course, we now have the wind in the wrong direction which is taking us more south than we care to sail right now. We are still slightly north of our rhumb line though, so we have some wiggle room.

One of the highlights of our days at sea is our daily contact with the other WARC yachts via the midday and evening SSB radio net broadcasts.

Although we haven't seen another yacht or the comforting lights of another yacht in days now, It's always lovely to hear the familiar voices out there and know that we're not alone is this huge ocean. Add to that a splash of humour during the evening net like Elaine indicating, when prompted, that the only wild life she's seen today is "Roy running around the deck" and the day ends with laughter.

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