Day 424: 'Side by side we stand,......
'Islands of the blue Caribbean sea,
This our native land,
We pledge our lives to thee,
For every creed and race have an equal place,
And may God bless this nation'
So with a tuneful rendition of the T&T national anthem we saluted Tobago coming into view 35 miles to the east, the closest we'll get by boat to the twin island state of Trinidad and Tobago, Marian's homeland. The ARC routing and programme, our own onward travel on ARC USA and the recent unfortunate piracy incidents near to Trinidad have combined to make this so. Pity since it is home waters for both of us in a way - I worked here and lived on my last boat for a spell. We both left from Trinidad for our first transatlantic 'uphill' via Bermuda and Azores to Ireland back in 1982. We plan to visit family and friends by air from St Lucia, and are pleased that we did spend Xmas 2014 at Chaguaramas with Exody and our own family on board.
The wind never came back last night and, under power, we came up with and are still abreast of Makena, both motoring gently toward the last waypoint before the final overnight stretch to St Georges, Grenada 110 miles away. The contrast to yesterday could not be greater- bright sun, deep blue sea, puffy clouds, fantastic viz- everything that goes with a classic trade wind day- except the breeze! Our day's run at 10.30 was 150 miles, half of it motored, the current still lifting us a little.
I had woken for my 09.00 radio net duty and watch this morning to Marian hauling in on the fishing line. We landed a very fine 5kg, 1 metre Dorado/ Mahi Mahi, bright yellow before it faded. With a refined technique for gaffing by the mouth not the body, we brought it on board bloodlessly!
The wind came back by evening and Makena came up real close for some aerial shots with their gyrocopter camera. Buzzing drone-like overhead, green and red lights flashing - expertly launched, guided and recovered by Luc and Sara. Both boats captured under genny alone with one of the most superb sunsets as a backdrop - a great way to record and celebrate this last night of the final ocean passage of our circumnavigation. The pan fried fresh Dorado added to the special sense of occasion.
Peter (Skipper)