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Paw Paw - Log Day 90: Oh, For the Simple Life

Today was a day for catching up on all our internet activities - Uploading a new article and our latest photographs to our website, sorting out our taxes, updating our banking, ensuring our medical coverage has been renewed as expected, catching up on Facebook, WhatsApp, Messenger, Email, - Oh for the simple life!

It is astonishing just how reliant we have become on our electronic world. Sitting in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, in one of the more isolated communities of the world, we were surrounded by cruisers and locals alike, all glued to our devices as if our lives depended on them. In reality they do unfortunately. Having a simple thing like a decent wifi connection is such a luxury and a lifesaver in this nautical world we occupy and is always a blessing when we can reconnect with the outside world.

Unfortunately we ran out of time to make some phone calls, but hopefully that is possible before we sever this lifeline and sail off into the "great blue yonder" again.

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