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Paw Paw - Log Day 95: Watch this Space

With less than 12 hours to go before making landfall at Rangiroa, it is fair to say that this passage seems more tiring and a little more stressful than our Pacific Ocean crossing. This may be because it's hot on the heels of a 3000NM voyage or the fact that we only have one opportunity to enter the anchorage area and, therefore, our arrival time is crucial.

The Tuamotos archepeligo comprises a number of atolls which are essentially donut-shaped islands with surrounding reefs and a lagoon in the centre. There are passes through which yachts can gain access to the lagoons. These passes, however, have strong currents running through them as the lagoon floods and empties with the tidal changes. As such, one has to time one's arrival in order to transit during slack water, preferably with the sun high enough in the sky to see the coral reefs and bombies.

Unfortunately for us, there is only one opportunity tomorrow where these conditions are met. Watch this space!

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