Luna Quest - Saturday, 16th April, 2016
Position: 17.04N 61.53W
Jolly Harbour, Antigua
Distance run from Rodney Bay, St Lucia: 218 logged miles
We set sail on Tuesday, 12th April for Antigua stopping overnight in Martinique, Dominica, Guadaloupe and then Antigua. We had planned our first stop in Fort de France, Martinique, but seeing it from a good distance completely inundated with rain and at the same time spotting a tiny little sunny anchorage opposite the bay of Fort de France, we decided to drop anchor there and leave first thing in the morning for a 62-mile run to Portsmouth in Dominica. A very light wind helped us on our way, but we could not achieve our minimum speed of 5 knots without the use of the engine. We weighed anchor at 05.30am and were on our way to Portsmouth, Prince Rupert Bay in Dominica, where we arrived at 5.15pm. Even less wind was forecast for the following day, so we motored all the way to Deshaies, Guadaloupe, a distance of 50 miles. We would have liked to have spent some time in the various islands and not miss the Saints islands, but Julia had a flight booked for the 20th April and we could not risk any delay, so the following day again at 05.30 we were on our way to Antigua under engine, as the wind was very light and from the NNE. We did not check into any of the islands, but did not set foot on land either. Nobody challenged us.
After checking into Jolly Harbour at 15.15pm, we were given a berth on A pontoon, provided with internet and shower facilities. Jolly Harbour is a recent development with plenty of amenities. Today we feasted our eyes on some of the classic boats in Falmouth Harbour and tomorrow Julia has a place on the press boat to take photos. I hope there may be a place for me, too. After Julia returns home, I shall stay with Luna Quest to see her back to England.