Free Spirit - Amazing how we spring to life
12 May 2016
We had another beautiful night underway, cruising off the northern coast of Cuba. We had decent wind and were sailing until about 6am when the wind died. We turned the motor on and put the pedal to the medal as we are close enough and have plenty of fuel to reach our destination. Cruising up the Old Bahamas Channel is very civilized, as islands and reefs on either side break up the waves to provide fairly calm waters. Talk on the passage has turned to the subject of boats, with Mike and David tempting Alex with visions of his future boats. Alex has his notebook out and is carefully making notes. I think we have a future Caribbean 1500 skipper in the making. This afternoon's Ladies Chat featured a special guest, Mrs. Doubtfire, with an analysis of the Gulf Stream and strategies for crossing it for our listeners' edification. You never know who will turn up for entertainment on a "cruise ship", and as my mother once pointed out, we are sometimes easily amused. Shortly after noon we got another hit on the fishing line. It's amazing how everyone suddenly springs to life when that happens. We landed another 36 inch wahoo, our second for the trip. Put that beef bourguignon back in the refrigerator, we're having fish for dinner tonight!
Andrea & Mike
sv Free Spirit