Exody - May 19th - Weather !
Gale force gusts and sustained winds in the upper 20's befell our small ARC USA fleet last night as a low passed through, preceded yesterday with torrential rain and heavy cloud virtually all day. Exody was careering along under double reefed main and less than a treble reefed genny. Nearly close hauled, the south south westerly wind fortunately allowed us to maintain our rhumb line. It was very wet and we found new leaks in our cabin ceiling. As usual the movement down below was relatively gentle and we both slept well on our off watches.
However, with that low for a taster, we are now even more keen to make port 300 miles away at the mouth of the Chesapeake before Saturday when the next deeper low forms off Cape Hatteras! Early this morning, the skies cleared, the winds abated and veered returning us to classic high pressure clear, sunny conditions. Everything is out to dry! To maintain progress we are motorsailing at nearly seven knots into the light northeasterly breeze. Viva, Hugur and Ayama were all within 20 miles at this morning's radio roll call. Our day's runs to 06.15 were 126 yesterday and 161 today.
Tomorrow afternoon we should be at the Gulf Stream - 1.5 knots of warm north easterly flowing current about sixty miles wide where we will cross it just north of Cape Hatteras.
Peter (Skipper)