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Paw Paw - Log Day 289: Paw Paw Surrounded in Sparkles
Paw Paw - Log Day 289: Paw Paw Surrounded in Sparkles
The weather eventually settled down to lovely calm seas under glorious sunshine after Elaine enjoyed a beautiful sunrise while on her watch. The wind, however, did drop enough from time to time throughout the day, necessitating at least one engine in order to keep our speed up .
Fortunately last night, with Paw Paw surrounded in sparkles from the bioluminescence in the water under a moonless night, the wind picked up again, so we are enjoying an average speed of 8 kts supplied purely by Mother Nature.
Our day was broken up by a number of radio nets to report our position, a call to Keenan and a chat to friends via our SSB radio who are also underway and wrapped up with a delicious pre-cooked beef stew to sustain us through our night watches.