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Endeavour of Cork - Day2-3 Monday-Tuesday

Monday 7pm

Today we had some fun!!! The wind finally came up, we hoisted the spinnaker at 1.50pm, and turned the blasted engine off. Such a relief! We had absolutely champagne sailing conditions all afternoon - sun, wind, flat seas with only a bit of swell, and other boats to race (even if only in our heads)!

Before that, Conor Anais and Dermot all had a swim off the stern - very refreshing it looked too, but far too much like hard work getting back on board again.

The wind steadily built till we had a very enjoyable 15kts for a couple of hours. We hit the dizzy heights of 17kts of wind and 10.9kts of boat speed (very briefly) and decided that with nobody actually flying the kite aDnd darkness approaching discretion was the better part of valour and down it came. We're now doing a respectable 7kts on white sails, and on course.

The courgette pie for lunch was scrumptious, and dinner was a gorgeous chicken curry/sweet potato/rice confection produced by Conor.

178 miles down, only about 660 to go

Tuesday 12pm

Well, now we're sailing. A steady 21-22kts from our port quarter means we're flying along. Sleep was difficult last night until we put in a reef, it's fairly rocky and rolly on board.

We're about 130 miles off the African coast - last night we passed from being off Western Sahara to being off Mauretania. No-one checked for visas.

The others reported seeing a whale breach about 30m off our stern this morning - I (of course) was in my bunk after a tiring watch last night. Damn. Hopefully that's not the last wildlife we see.

I was on watch for the dawn this morning and when the sun rose we were completely alone, not a single other vessel to be seen on the horizon. Makes you feel very insignificant in the scheme of things!

Laura hit 14.4kts on the speedo today! For a boat as weighed down as this is, that's good going!!! Dermot has been thrown in the deep end, helming a wheel, downwind, in the dark in 20kts - not a bother on him.

We're currently doing 7.2kts in 23kts of wind. Just over 200 miles done.

Endeavour over and out!


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