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EH01 - Day 1

Sunday 20th November- Race start 12.45 – Day 1
So we are finally ready for our transatlantic voyage, 10  people who have never met each other before (other than Starkers and the Monkmeister (Giles and Cass) spending up to 18 days together in a 14m x 4.5m space..!!!  The nerves and adrenalin are running at high intensity, boat has been prepped and inspected, the fruit nets have been stored to prevent scurvy, (it has been known to happen within 16 days before.!) and the crew planned to be well rested but unfortunately the craic in the Sailors bar put the brakes on any excess rest.
The last task of the day was the EH01 team photos and ones with our “rival” and other Performance Yacht racing boat Quokka, Phillipe`s hair (Quokka’s skipper) did look fabulously shiny and conditioned using our Surfachem hair product, ideal for an ocean voyage.!
Final goodbyes were made from crew members loved ones: Amazing Amy from Diamonds are forever, our Dougies fiance came over to say goodbye and Nicola and Tom, our Jimbo`s lovely parents were on the left dock waving furiously as we sailed in a parade past the warship committee boat.
The start itself was a bit surreal, it felt like a normal regatta day start but I think the enormity of what we were about to undertake did finally hit some of us and it was a little quiet on board for the first few hours. Andras (Andy) our skipper had already decided the teams so we have Priceys Pirates with Pricey. Dougie, Ionut, Starkey and Stormey and we have Jimbos Jollies with the lovely Jimbo, Paul, Monkmeister and Peder and the competition is already hotting up. Our first night was great, had the kite up all night and the main dramas were trying not to shine head torches in other faces and trying not to step on each others harnesses.!
EH01 Marketing Director

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