Sanya - Day 2 Light weather for now
Speed: 8 knots, Course: 258 deg.
Position: 27,19.27N , 17,24.56W
Sanya is about 24 hours on the way now, so we have had our first night out. The winds were very light during the night, we even saw a 0 on the clock. Very unusual for VO70. So we struggled through the night to keep up the boat speed and roughly going in the right direction. The crew was getting to know each other a bit better in the quiet of the night under the stars while moving the weight around following the captain's directions and settling into the watch system. After about 6 hours the wind was coming up again, with patches left and right with differing temperatures. When the wind is cold on your face, there was a few knots extra, when the wind is warm, no pressure alas. After two hours of steering through these patches, the whole crew was up on the deck in about 5 minutes when we thought the wind was finally coming through. Cheers all around and happy faces, while starting to cross under the island El Hierro. We are positioned more northerly than the competition and we
hope to pick up the good winds earlier. We are all hoping for a bit of spectacular sailing tonight and eat some more miles than this night. Let's see what Sanya and her crew is made off!
OBR a.i.
Mariette Koekoek