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Hot Stuff - prep day

The day before the big day!
We are almost ready with the last preparations. This past week we have been preparing ourselves by attending seminars about astronavigation, weather forecasts, emergency and health at sea and losts of other seminars.
It's not only us as crew that need to be prepared for this long trip it's also the boat 'Hot Stuff'
After our trip to the local supermarket in Las Palmas she is now filled with water, tins and lots of chocolate - 256 bars - apparently women eat a lot of chocolate at sea!
We have also been to the local market to buy loads of fruit and vegetables that are now hanging from the ceiling hammacs in the saloon. All the tins and water bottles are in every corner and under every bilge board - there is no inch that isn't filled with soup, pasta or chocolate of course, 256 bars take up quite some space! With the food and stores safely on board we had to then bring our bags onto the boat. When our skipper realized how much stuff 10 women "need" for 20 days she looked a bit surprised but after a bit of rearranging things worked out.

Everyone is really excited to get going and tonight we have a dinner together with Diamonds Are Forever - our sister boat. Last chance for a while to get ice cream!!

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