Since our last blog yesterday evening we’ve been trucking along in good
pressure. Helming at night was difficult for everyone in full darkness but the
crew held their nerve and were surfing the waves all night. Awesome job.! We
gybed earlier this morning and now heading South-South West towards the latitude
of the Cape Verdes. The weather forecast is promising for the next 24 hours but
then we will find ourselves in lighter winds again. Hopefully still enough to
keep us moving. Based on our weather routing we will keep going on this SW’ly
course until Sunday/Monday when we can turn right and head directly for St
Comments from the EH01 Marketing Director
Sailor of the day- Pricey`s pirates
Ionut Lupu aka “Helming Harry” definitely wins sailor of the day for our
watch as it was a very challenging evening on the helm with pitch dark
conditions, low cloud, no horizon to steer to. Helming Harry kept his cool in up
to 26knots of breeze and his helming was a big part in our achieving over 200
miles in 24hours.
Jimbos papaya facial peel
After a few days at sea the salty skin needs a bit of rejuvenation so our
youthful Jimbo was our male guinea pig and the result was glowing clean skin,
ideal for an Ocean going 18 year old to start early and the papaya has a fab
smell which is very helpful on a predominantly male boat.!!
Yellow brick offer bundles of text messages which are measured by the
amount of characters used and this is the only direct communications
method to far away loved ones. Before our voyage started Starkers (Giles) and
Monkmeister (Cass) decided that they were going to go “e-dark” which means that
you have no communication bundles and are totally offline for our trip. For some
of the crew whose phone is akin to a third arm this idea was similar to a addict
coming off substances cold turkey but the blog is a fantastic way to communicate
our adventures and being able to totally immerse ourselves in this amazing
We are definitely relaxing more into each other company and are sharing
each other eclectic tastes in music and syncing Doug`s Fugoo speaker with
Storme`s disco Jam one and Skipper Andy (Andras) sensible JBL clip sailing
speaker, its been loads of fun!
Tune in tomorrow for Monks music where Cass is looking for the most extreme
music taste.