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Boni Venti - LOG DAY 3 - TO GYBE OR NOT TO GYBE...

A windy night up to 15 gusting 32kts with a big swell from the starboard side. Reefed main and genoa. Had supper outside in long trousers and fleeces – bowl food, with a lovely chili and rice. Night watches uneventful. Sleeping uncomfortable at best given the rolling sea state of the starboard quarter, so a slow start this morning.


Out with the fishing rod first thing but no luck yet despite the colourful lures sold to us by the fishing guru in the marina at Las Palmas. Fish on the menu this evening so Karen dipping into the freezer rather than us eating fresh from the ocean – maybe tomorrow....


Studied weather charts and forecast from ARC Control. Winds to die down in coming days if we continue on easterly tack, so after much debate, decision made to gybe and head south in direction of Cape Verde Islands before heading west. The question is when to put in the gybe. Detailed weather forecast from grib charts which we download each morning.


Robert and Gavin worked on the 12V batteries which have been running down quickly. Problem with one of the three batteries so swapped those around and now all fine.


Crew snoozing when not on watch this afternoon and looking forward to a better night’s sleep tonight.


That’s all for now.




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