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Bluewaft - Bluewaft Log Day 4

Bluewaft Log Day 4
Wednesday 23 November 2016

23°18’.413N 020°51’573W

We had a bumpy sail, with winds from the NE and a growing swell and wave action. The wind continued to clock so this morning at 9am we changed course to the SSE towards Cape Verde. This made for a much smoother ride. When the wind direction settles we’ll consider using the parasailor – but for now with the changeable wind direction and surrounding squalls we think it best to sail conservatively (main with one reef and jib only). The Atlantic swell is starting to settle, with 2 – 3 m rollers to our stern, so a smooth ride. The night watch was quiet, still quite cold with a little rain. We saw the last of the other sail boats heading further south of us under a red cruising chute. Marcus managed to catch one baby dorado. We lost another lure to a marlin.Jame’s much hyped fishing line and lure have so far failed to deliver, but he warns us that he usually catches the largest fish last – so we will see. In the mean time we plan to use Magali’s recipe for baby dorado ceviche. Today was washing day, and we managed a couple of loads of washing. The last vestiges of the flu seem to have gone and we are starting to settle into some sort of sailing routine. We’re checking the bilges, engine oil and water, and moving the halyard every day at 2pm. We’re sharing the cooking and cleaning.

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