Gwendoline - 4. day at sea
S/Y Gwendoline M - Atlantic crossing
24. november. 11.30 UTC.
Ombord Lene, Bente, Annette, Maiken, Oliver, Orla og Kim
Position: 23.43.31N 19.23.41W
Yesterday was the day S/Y Gwendoline M was seriously struck by seasickness. Maiken is still suffering with a severe case of seasickness, so she sleeps most of the time.
Bente has done well, and she has only been hit by minor spells of nausea, which all could be curred by going on deck.
Annette was seasick al day yesterday. Therefore she stayed in bed all day, eating and drinking almost nothing. When she had to go on watch duty at 8 om, she fainted in the cockpit. She was immediately taken cane of by our ships medic - Bente - and after drinking a pepsi, she recovered very quickly. There has been no further complications to her fainting, and today she is once again the sparkling and laughing Annette we all know and love.
Orla, who has had no seasickness problems at all, got hit at 2 am, right in the middle of the graveyard shift. We decided that he needed to go down and get some sleep, as we suspected sleep depravation to be the cause of the seasickness. It turned out to be a good decision, as he back to his normal self again today.
At 9.30am I was woken by Oliver. The generator had suddenly stopped its morning run. It turned out, that the day tank was empty. It contains only 60 liter of diesel, and we have not pumped anything into it since we left Las Palmas November 20th. It took me ten minutes to pump all 60 liter into the tank, and after some "airing" of the diesel fuel line, the generator ran again.
Vi still have lots of water on board, as we run the water maker every time we run the generator. Så we have an almost full maintank with 1.100 liter and a drinking water tank with 115 liter. Aside from that we have 16 liter of emergency water per person on board - so the water situation looks good.
Yesterday we got a message from ARC Control - that a German ARC boat was evacuated by an english research vessel, as it was taking in water and was expected to sink within 12 hours.
Beacuse of this, all seacocks got an extra inspection, and also all the bliges of Gwendoline M was inspected. The result was that everything works as it should and all bilges were totally dry. Exactly as it should be.
We have had very light wind on almost the whole trip so far. We are sailing between 3 and 5 knots, so we anre not fast by any measure. Hopefully the wind will pick up when we reach the tradewinds.
Over and Out fra
S/Y Gwendoline M