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Skyelark of London - Day 4

Day 4 has come upon the intrepid Skyelark crew with continuing favourable
seas and winds as we head ever onwards towards St Lucia. Experienced ocean
sailors will tell you that the first three days of an ocean passage are all
about finding your sea legs and settling into the "eat watch sleep" routine,
which is so very different from life on land. Happy to say that day 4 sees
the crew petty well adjusted to life at sea with the "eat watch sleep"
routine now well established .
In the very large Atlantic Ocean there is really not a lot to see, so as a
result any minor event quickly become a moment of great excitement for the
crew. Catching a fish takes on major event status as does the sighting of
another ship or yacht . Of course a dolphin sighting sees the crew racing
for cameras, although as we have quickly discovered, trying a photograph a
pod of fast moving dolphond from the deck of Skyelark is a challenge in
Food at sea has taken on a whole new dimension with every dinner, the main
meal of the day, being keenly anticipated. We have all had to learn very
quickly that there is no food super market just around the corner, as a
result there is now a keen awareness amongst the crew of the provisions we
have on board as at day 4 , have to last all the way to day 18, our
estimated time to arrive into St Lucia. A great way to lose those extra
kilos! Same principle obviously applying to fuel which provides both power
and water. A learning process for everyone !

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