Sanya - Day 5: the clocks are back on
After a difficult first night without any outside clocks to steer on, pitch dark, no moon, we managed to get the clocks back working.
Yesterday evening after a full day of searching in the network, opening all junction boxes, measuring every bit we could, it was determined it is something in the network. So we checked, and checked and checked again anything we could think of. And we found some lose ends. Repaird them. Sadly resetting our B&G did not do the trick either. In the end it somehow managed to reset itself and the clocks start working again. Or at least partially. We can steer again on them during the night and we could leave our Code zero up, instead of a much smaller j2. The whole work took loads of energy, that we could not put in the sailing.
Happily since this morning the sun is there, energy levels are rising and we here we go again. Today sailing as fast as we canand this afternoon we will try to find more solutions to our B&G system...
Happy sailing!!
Ysbrand Endt
Skipper Sanya