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Chance Encounter - Chance encounter elan 434 - day 4 arc 2016 - fast night!!!!
Chance Encounter - Chance encounter elan 434 - day 4 arc 2016 - fast night!!!!
Following a fast night sail and another beautiful sunrise hearty breakfast of scrambled eggs and potato & tomato roti was in order to start the day. No queasy sailors on this boat yet! A strong coffee from Doug and we were already for a great days sail.
The 'F' word was not mentioned as a strong breeze meant we focussed on sailing. Poor old Adrian would once again miss his chance to hook a toothy predator. FF was heard being muttered.
After a gybe we goosewinged the main and genoa for an exhilarating downwind sail averaging 8 knots with all crew steering to course.
Sundowners of guacamole and carrots followed by a warming green chicken curry. With the sun setting we took down the pole, reefed the main and settled down for the evening navigating a series of squalls touching winds on 35 knots. No major dramas to report. The only visual sighting was of Siberia passing behind us on a starboard tack heading north west. Hopefully a few more miles under our belt.