Olympia's Tigress ARC Sailing: Sunny and downwind, of course it is...
Apocalyptic rain, dark skies and reaching into Atlantic seaway has quickly dispelled any myths that the ARC is an easy downwind ride. Our crew of 8, four boys, four girls has gelled unbelievably well and has indeed eased us in nicely. Let me introduce you to TEAM TIGRESS.
First up is one highly skilled salty-seastress (aka skipper) Susan "Glenny" not only does she safely nav us through the high seas with unerring prowess but she can has an uncanny ability to make it rain whenever she wears a bikini. Our first mate and Yacht Week dreamboat, Frazer, has impressive sailing abilities, teaches a bowline like a badass, feels the wind on his ears, has a Ting smile and an affinity for Haribo. Then there's Cath, driver and sailor extraordinaire - her smile is unerring and she has the most incredible hair that seems to be bizarrely looking nicer and nicer as the days roll on. Will is our Finnish Viking - he's topped the boat speed for the trip and his skills also include peeing off the back of the cockpit. His words of wisdom the first day I met him were; 'if you can't die, it's not fun.' Thanks, Will.
Marty's our Canadian camera and handyman with the mostest. Overall top dog, best banter, bunk mate, bolt and bilge checker. Goan crew mate Kshama and pit hero is gentle, positive and continues to amaze me with her strong head, determined nature and highly advanced tea making abilities. CrossFit champion and star bowman Conor is an impressively hard worker with a wicked sense of humour and a penchant for bright, tight, or no clothing. The ladies prefer the latter. Lastly there's yours truly, the most novice sailor amongst all on board. I'm hoping my progressive mastery of gally and gimble, and keeping the crew entertained with boat themed poems and raps, should outshine any confusion when asked to "crack off."
"Out" for now. Kat Suchet (onboard blogger)