So it is 2:00 and I am on watch. The wind is just behind the starboard beam at about 7-8 knots. The seas are flat and we are motoring. I am sure some good sailors would be getting a little sailing in but we get a little inpatient and light winds often flap your sails around and cause wear. The winds are supposed to improve late tonight. I have seen two meteors tonight. I saw one when I just started my watch. Then I caught myself looking around the sky for another while thinking that that was silly…they are not that common….and then another one streaked across the sky on the other side of the boat. We have about 2/3 of a moon. It is nice and light out. We are coming up to the point where boats have to decide what they are doing. All boats have the option to drop out in the middle and rejoin the next year’s group. The ARC is too fast for some people. That is the most common criticism. It gets a little complicated because there is a cyclone season that has to be considered. The most common thing is to go to New Zealand for the cyclone season. Others may put their boat on the hard for a period to enable them to go home for a time. One boat is on the market to be sold. There is actually an acceptable offer on it contingent on the buyer selling his boat. We are forging ahead. It is hard to believe we started in January and we will not be back in the USA for a year. My family is enjoying my trip. They do not have to deal directly with me when I am on the boat. May fair winds fill your sails with full moons, stars and sweethearts. Bob