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Lexington - 5/17/17. 14°. 33? south. 156°. 56? west
Lexington - 5/17/17. 14°. 33? south. 156°. 56? west
It is 5:00 on my watch. We have had a nice improvement over the past several hours. Yesterday afternoon we were about ready to start the engine but elected to rig the twin head sails and head more north than the rhumb line while expecting the winds to slowly improve and come back to a more easterly direction. The initial more northerly course was because the winds were from the south south east and we need to sail downwind with our twin head sails. As the winds backed to the east we are now able to head directly to our destination downwind using the twin headsails with out changing anything but our course. I am sure there are good reasons why not many people use twin headsails but I do not know enough to know why. We are ahead of a catamaran with a brand new expensive parasail while we are using two old headsails. We have 10 to 12 knots of wind and we are doing a comfortable 5.5 to 6.5 knots. It is moderately rolley. I have been mostly reading a book on my iPad. I do have my PDF on and I am tethered to the boat. We are pretty good about doing this at night when alone in the cockpit. We have 360 miles to go. We have good winds predicted for the rest of the leg.
Today I did a little care for the boat to keep evil spirits away. I checked the engine oil, checked the water strainers for all the thru hulls, checked the bilge pumps , checked the fuel filters and switched to the second set, cleaned the shower sump, cleaned the filtering mechanism for the ARID BILGE, inspected the engine compartment, cleaned out the shower and put new batteries in a torch. I had to throw in the word “torch”. That is what the Brits call a flashlight.
May fair winds fill your sails with a short to do list and a shorter failure list! Bob