Misto - Days 130-135: Bora Bora to Suwarrow
Our start for this leg in Bora Bora was in very light winds. After exiting the pass we made a decision to motor-sail as we wanted to arrive in Suwarrow on May 20. The passage was a strange one with variable wind that fluctuated constantly both in direction and speed. That, combined with a large predominant SW swell, another swell from the SE and the wind almost directly astern, made for a rolly, bumpy passage. At night it seemed worse, with lower winds and the rig banging around. On our last night out we dropped the main and motor sailed with just the Genoa and then hoisted the parasailor in the morning - that last morning before arriving in Suwarrow was the best sail of the passage. With our combination of sailing and motor-sailing we arrive late in the afternoon of May 20.
Negotiating the zig-zag pass we found ourselves in a sheltered lagoon behind a pretty coral atoll, Anchorage Island. It is the quintessential desert island, a New Zealander, Tom Neale, having lived a Robin Crusoe-like existence here from 1952-1978. Black tipped reef sharks abound in the lagoon, with some of their larger cousins visible on the ocean side of the island. We have enjoyed sundowners on the beach, a pot luck lunch with wonderful food and have had fun exploring the small island. It is certainly peaceful - miles from nowhere.
Our planned departure to Niue has been delayed a little due to a depression over Tonga and Niue leading to high winds and, of more concern, high swells from the SW. We need those to abate before the mooring field at Niue will be tenable.
At 5/20/2017 11:34 PM (utc) our position was 13°18.08'S 162°53.10'W