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Raggy Doll - To sail or not to sail? That is the question.
Raggy Doll - To sail or not to sail? That is the question.
The big question on everyone's lips at this time is "are we sailing anywhere tomorrow?"
There have been lots of conversation about weather fronts moving in, with tales of force 7-8 winds accompanying it. Various comments from "our boat can easily cope with that" to "thats not my idea of fun!"
So family and friends, who may or may not be reading this, we, are well and truly in the "that's not my idea of fun" party. Having travelled down from Hamble to Portland last Saturday, getting caught in the middle of the parade of sails race by the Isle of Wight Needles, (various obscenities yelled from our boat to others who didn't seem to know the starboard tack rule) then onto a very choppy sea with the wind straight on the nose at force 6 gusting force 7, the sea wasn't quite sure if it was doing and Argentine tango or a foxtrot! Raggy Doll is here to have a nice gentle sail across Biscay (we are not naive enough to assume the sea will be perfectly calm) and then onward to eventually finish in Lagos, Portugal. So we are awaiting the Skippers briefing which is scheduled for 17.15 this evening to see whether Mother Nature has indeed been kind enough to allow us to leave for Bayona or we change course for the easier option of Falmouth with a view of stopping there to let the weather front pass. I, for one am looking forward to the delights of a cream tea, that I have not yet had the chance to do and am quite happy to wait if nature so decides.
Sally Dolden
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