We are 150 miles from the north east portion of Fiji. We are going to a village named Lomaloma
which is in the Lau group or eastern group of islands. From what we hear Fiji is not as well
charted as most of the other areas that we will visit on our trip. Most of the time our charts
are right on and our GPS shows us our position on our accurate charts. With that information
we will sometimes enter areas in less than ideal circumstances. In Fiji we will need to be
more cautious. In and around areas where reefs are or might be, we will move in the daylight
with someone on the bow to look at the depth of water. Another tool that we will use is Google
Earth and Google charts. These are satellite photos that have been geo-referenced. That means
that we can look at a photo which should coincide with the chart. We can look at the satellite
photos and see reefs by the color of the water. We can then find the GPS coordinates off the
satellite photo (which is georeferenced) to generate waypoints (points of latitude and longitude)
that we can use on our charts and chart plotter. We will also use waypoints that have been
given to us by others. Because of the problem we will try to cross reference everything to try
our best to stay off the reefs. May fair winds fill your sails with accurate waypoints!!!