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Meritage - Log entry 2 for Meritage: 12 hours in!
Meritage - Log entry 2 for Meritage: 12 hours in!
We have been on the water for 12 hours now. Currently we are motor sailing due to the lack of wind however the first 8 hours were fantastic! We were making great time and having fun. We hoisted our asymmetrical spinnaker (for the first time)! I will attach a picture because it was a long awaited experience and it did not disappoint! A bright red, blue and green colored sail that carried us for hours at 6-7 knots in very light air. Amazing! There is video of me doing an Irish jig I was so happy! Breakfast was a dozen home grown eggs from my birds, Lunch were simple PB&Js, and dinner was veggie chili. We are on our watch schedule (I am supposed to be sleeping) so I will sign off now as I have the midnight to 4am shift. Cool sitings include dolphins, stingray, and a pelican the followed us for a while! Oh, when we arrive in Portsmouth, we will have to wash the cockpit because we killed about a hundred flies!! Summer on the Bay!
Capt Paul