We are at Volivoli Point Resort anchored out. This is on the island of Vito Levi, meaning big land or big island. The resort is nice and welcoming. Today we went on a tour of the nearby area. Our guide was an articulate Fijian. He drove us around the area and discussed topics of interest. I will try to relay some of the more interesting thoughts. First of all land ownership is complicated. Tribes basically own areas of land. A member of
the tribe can own a portion of that land but can not sell it. The land can be leased for up to 99 years. The land generally passes from father to sons. Daughters are left out. The tribes that had the land in the areas that became more populated with people, businesses and resorts also became more wealthy than tribes that owned farm land. There are two populations of people in Fiji, original Fijians and Indians. The Indians were brought to Fiji to plant and harvest sugar cane. They stayed. The Indians tend to own the businesses. The Indians also raise and harvest the sugar cane. They lease the land from the Fijian tribes and raise the crops. In a big generalization Indians are good business people and Fijians do not care as much about money. I am sure I need to learn more before I say such things. The last thing I will share is easy. I will show photos of the grave of the cannibal that ate the most number of men. Fijian men, warriors, and chiefs would eat their killed foes. This was from the beliefs that they would gain some of the strength of their foe. The grave I will show is of a man that ate +900 men. I will also show a photo of drying flats that are exposed when the tide goes out ( about 4 feet) These are the reefs that you do not want to hit.