We are scheduled to arrive at daybreak tomorrow morning in Cocos Keeling. We have been on a beam reach (wind coming from the side at 90 degrees) for the whole trip. We have had brisk winds the whole trip at 20-25 knots. The swells had be been 5-15 feet. We have three reefs in the main and two in the head sails. We have probably averaged almost 8 knots for the 600 miles. The ride is not too bad but has been a wet ride. We have had water coming over the bow frequently and into the cockpit occasionally. With all this we have not had any sea sickness. It has been a little too bumpy to do anything but sail or sleep.
We have three tours set up when we get there. We are also going to have a big beach BBQ party to celebrate Gary Chapman's birthday. Any excuse for a party!
We hope all is well with you.
May fair winds fill your sails with many birthdays