I have a short note about the good and bad of the sailing. First the most of the morning was taken up doing boat jobs to try to keep us in good shape for the next leg which is 2300 miles to Mauritius. The first job was to sew some sail tape onto the main sail. I had sticky tape and a hand sewing awl. It was so wind in the anchorage that I had to use close pins to hold the sticky tape on to be able to sew it. I got a fair job done. I will show a proud photo at he end. I also checked the hydraulic fluid in the auto pilot since it had been low when we left Darwin. I cleaned the water cooling vent in the outboard and tightened bolts on the Watt and Sea mount. That does not sound like much but everything is slower on a boat.
The next is the good part. We had a beach party to celebrate a few birthdays. The main one was Gary Chapman for his 60th. He has been on the whole trip. He was originally on Skyelark of London. He was scheduled to go home but Sand Vita invited him to finish the trip with them. I will show a photo of Gary holding the flag off Skyelark of London which was given to him by Dan and Em. We all brought our food and drink to the beach. It was a nice celebration. I can not imagine a better birthday than on the beach with a bunch of new friends who have welcomed you into their group.
May fair winds fill your sails many beach birthday parties.
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