Kiloran of Edinburgh - Leg 2 Day 3 Blog
Day 3
Erica's Bun in the Oven
John, also known as "Party John" and "Dangerous John" (self-proclaimed),
who owns a biting corn snake, a pig without fur and a rooster named
Darth Vadar, has joined the crew for Leg 2 of our Atlantic Adventure.
Tricky Ricky finally succeeded in escaping us at Cape Verde following An
Unfortuate Series of Events involving some deadly Saharan sand clouds.
Subsequently, conversation which once was polite and considerate has
descended into school-boy tom-foolery, amongst men who were apparently
once school boys together. FYI, Party John doesn't like being ganged up on.
Our bid to worship the sun is coming along swimmmingly, if not a little
too well, as we spread ourselves around the deck - we have 11ft each so
it's fairly cushty and there isn't much sailing to be done. I had
thought the Atlantic would be angrier, but really it's only David that
angers when I interupt his cleaning process and the sea itself is fairly
calm, unlike our Safety Police who is coming up the rears with Factor
50. To her credit, Erica did actually remove her PLB yesterday for our
4pm Fit Fit Fit St Lucia Summer Body Whole Crew Trainig Session. The two
ex-army men handled the leg raises well but David is still to master
'The Squat'.
In other news, Erica may or may not have mastered bread-making this
morning, unbeknown as of yet as her bun is still baking (don't tell Aiden).
Over and Out xoxo
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