Kiloran of Edinburgh - Leg 2 Day 4 Blog
Day 4
Losing Our Immoral
Having just eaten tuna out of a tin fished from Poisiedon knows where,
I'm struggling to find the moral high ground. However, that hasn't
seemed to stop us from shaking our firsts at the 'Japanese' (?)
'whaling' (?) vessel which is jibing ahead of us as it 'fishes for
souls' (?). Where is my Green Peace badge when I need it? Meanwhile,
both Kiloran lines are trawling in the hope of snagging a large enough
Mahi Mahi to use as a subject for first aid defribrillator practice.
Contrary to what I was taught in my sustainable exploitation module at
uni, there does appear to be a fair abundance of tuna fish around.
Regarless, the lack of shark fins of late managed to coax the crew (not
all at the same time) in for an Atlantic swim, following an impromptu
Man Over Board drill. With 6000m of depth, David saw 'the bottom', as
Erica and I, flooded with panic at the thought of what was below,
maddingly competed to hoist ourselves out of the water as soon as possible.
In other news and not for lack of trying, we have finally mastered the
raising and snuffing of our neon pink spinnaker, which now bears rather
handsome war scars from Leg 1. Additionally, language barriers have
become apparent between the trustworthy Scot and the posh lass from
Watford causing minor burn injuries in the galley during falafal
moulding when 'slap in the palm' was misinterprested as 'slap it in the
pan'. Fittingly, fish no longer flying are soon to be frying.
Over and Out xoxo