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Nutcracker - Log Entry 2 - Shall we put the Spinnaker up?
Nutcracker - Log Entry 2 - Shall we put the Spinnaker up?
After our flat calm night, we got the day off to a bit of a flyer. Made up
some decent positions on those in front, and there was a general good feel
about today! I indulged in a bit of tanning, Des in a bit of fishing and
Simon and Steve in fixing the generator. Yep, it had another problem.
Not to let that get in the way though, the engineering team did a mighty
fine job and we were back in business an hour or so later. We made water,
and whilst they were putting the kettle on, the Skip invoked executive
privilege and had a hot shower.
After dismissing my dad's suggestion to put the Spinnaker up (I couldn't
face sitting here and writing about another ripped sail) we downloaded the
latest fleet positions which we all think look okay? They are going to be
the source of hours of analysis let me tell you now. Dinner, which was Thai
Curry, was fab and has lifted the spirits here a little!
We are having mail issues (!!!!) so apologies for the delay in these blogs
heading out, but I will try and keep all you adoring fans updated!
The Cabin Boys Nautical Notes
Wind NE 4, backing E 3 later, sea state calm and the sun hot. We're making
steady progress under a poled out Yankee and mainsail at about 6 knots and
if nothing else we're pointing more or less at St. Lucia!
Quote of the day
'I'm well known for fishing and not catching any fish' - Des Maguire
Skip xx