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Helen - Ed, day 6

We have now travelled 850 miles from the Cape Verdes and we have 1,300 miles to go.

Edwina slept last night on the port deck in the lea of the wind. We offered water and fish but it was declined.

By sunrise Edwina was up and clearly showing the benefit of a good night's sleep.

Suddenly a second Egret turned up as if on a rescue mission. This Egret was slim and fit.

They walked around the deck for a while and then went for a couple of circular test flights but always coming back to the boat. They then settled for a while back to back on the pulpit as if not wanting to talk to each other.

Please see the picture, even an Iguana could not make up this story!

In a while they suddenly took off and flew together very fast and straight in the direction of the Amazon or French Guyana.

I am glad that we gave Edwina a bed for the night but I need to look out for more birds.

Changing the subject. When I was on the beach in the Cape Verde's I had the opportunity of tasting the local white spirit called "Grogue". It is a white rum made from sugar cane and the premium version is very drinkable.

White spirit is the world's most popular tipple. You have got Absynth, Baiju, Cachaca, Calvados, Eau de Vie, Gin, Grappa, Grogue, Ouzo, Rum, Raki, Saki, Schnapps,Tequela, Vodka to name a few!

Life should be celebrated every day and alcohol can play a positive role if drunk responsibly.

However the abuse of alcohol causes social problems. In the Cape Verdes the number one reason why children are abandoned to the streets is because their father or mother or both have a problem with Grogue.

Please help these kids and sponsor my journey across the Atlantic.

Ed the Iguana,
On the way to the Galapogos.

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