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Kiloran of Edinburgh - Haddock's blog again

Kiloran Crew
Haddock's general synopsis for the folowing 24 hours

Portland Bill (David Weir) East Lothian,
Calm (Beaufort scale zero)
Giggles increasing severe laughter
Visibility poor, Hearing Moderate,
Clothes bright

Fastnet (talking) (Georgia Stewart)
Hurriicane Force 12 Veering South
Sometimess good, never moderate
Often boystresss and backing hungry

Sole (trader) (John Strachen)
North, South, East, and West
penchant for mountains often boats never depression
storm visibility poor, hearing good (sorry?)
Occasional wind

Fair Isle (Erica Wood) South, Light Breeze never storm but with some
German Bight
laughter increasing,
occasional cake
Visibility always good

Yours Capt Haddock
Slowly drifting West

Why change the haddock of a lifetime?

(for non saltys this is a spoof on the shipping forcast........get a life)

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