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Blue Bayou - Faith, Hope and rightful reward

Dear readers,

Apologies for the recent lack of posts. We’ve been busy boys. Following a couple of days of less than sparkling performance, as good God fearing Scottish Presbyterians the crew decided to resort to prayer, and a brief, but moving service was conducted by the skipper, aka I M Jolly on Sunday. The highlight was undoubtedly a stirring rendition of “Eternal Father, Strong to Save” performed with gusto by the congregation. We headed grimly, but determinedly and purposefully southwards towards Cape Verde. 

And then it happened. As we passed some 15nm north of the most NW of the islands, Santo Anto, our mobile phones burst into life. It was a sign(al)!!!! Some 328 emails, 596 WhatsApp’s, and 3 Facebook messages (the Laird - sigh) later, the wind suddenly backed, and as if by magic we were in the trades!

Having abandoned any attempt at course planning, in manic desperation we followed the wind and have now (Tues pm) found ourselves bowling along westwards on 15 degrees N in a sprightly 15 to 20 knot N easterly. Salvation!

Spirits are now high, and we are having a whip-round to see if we can put something in the collection whenever one of us is next at the Kirk. Methinks Walter might snaffle it though, or at least take his normal commission.

Sorry, Minister.

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