Lexington - Captain Bob: 13*43'south. 33*31'west
We are blasting along our course to Brazil. For about the last 24 hours we have have 15-20 knot winds. We are doing 7-8 knots under a full moon. It would s truly a beautiful night With the moon light there is good visibility.
Tonight I had a fishing vessel approaching from my port side. They did not show up on AIS. I altered my course to starboard away from them. They then turned toward me. They came within about 300 feet before turning away. I heard them on the radio and I replied. We each did not understand the other. Since then they have been off my port at slightly increasing range. At least they made my night more interesting.
We are about 300 miles out or about 2 days.
May fair winds fill your sails with full moon light.