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Air Power - Feb 10

The rest of fleet caught up with us at the anchorage the day before we left. The few boats that called it home must have thought there was an invasion. This was the predetermined location for last minute preparations, and the Skipper's Briefing for the next leg of the trip. The World ARC staff arranged a really nice barbecue on the beach, and had the award ceremony for the previous leg. It had been so long ago, I kind of forgotten about it. (The leg ended on the Caribbean side of Panama, in the San Blas Islands. They awarded prizes (bottles of wine), for more than winning in your class of boats. Such as, one boat was able to guess the closest to the total aggregate age of all the crewmembers crossing the starting line back in Santa Marta, Columbia. (A bottle of Merlot). The guess was somewhere around 6k. We found winning isn't all that important. Sharing a table with a winner is. We sat with Freddie, the skipper/owner of Lunatix. He won a bottle that night, and shared with us. Ahhh, the sweet taste of victory.
We are now more than 24 hours into leg 3. We are finally on our way to the Galapagos Islands. This leg should be a total of 8 days for us. We caught a small tuna yesterday evening dragging a line from our bungi cord. That should give us two evening meals. The fleet kind of split into 2 routes. 1 route followed the rhumb line (direct route), the rest of us headed primarily south, then west. Sooner or later, we are going to get caught in the doldrums (no wind). We were hoping to avoid it, but we are now running the starboard engine at this time. Hopefully, it won't last long and we'll have the sails back up. In the mean time, we are charging our batteries and running the water maker.

Dave & Jill

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