Mischief - Crossing the Equator
We are nearly at San Cristobal with about 50 miles to run at 0400 UTC We crossed the Equator at 2100hrs UTC last night. We had a Neptune party which involved stopping Mischief on Lat 00degrees00.00', saying a few words, having a drink each and 1 for Neptune.
The trip has been a bit frustrating with light winds and rain. We have done lots of motoring, over 50 hours, and I am very pleased we opted for an extra fuel tank as some in the fleet are running on fumes. We have even had to break out the wet weather gear from the depths of a locker as it is so wet but still warm at least. It was raining so hard yesterday it activated my life jacket which nearly gave me a heart attack as I was not sure what was happening. It also activated my AIS alarm which had to be canceled and the rest of the fleet were informed to call off the search as I was safe on board. as you can imagine it amused the rest of the no end. the life jacket is now recharged and AIS reset so all is good again.