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Lexington - Captain Bob: 2/17/2018. 12*. 45' south. 38*. 01 west

We are sailing north along the coast of Brazil towards Capadello. From there we will head to Granada (about 1200 miles). We have almost completed our circumnavigation and I really do not know what I have learned. That is mostly because I have not thought about it that much. One can not sail 28,000 miles around the world and not learn anything. So here goes with a few things I have learned or reinforced.
If one had to pick 1. Excellent boat 2. Excellent captain 3. Being in the right place at the right time , I would choose 3. This trip is a perfect example. We have not had a start delayed by weather. This is a trip planned years ahead of time and starts scheduled. We have had some less than perfect weather at times but nothing that should challenge our skills much. For sure there are captains and boats that can get more out of their boat than others. We tend to get a little lazy and impatient. On one morning roll call where we each give our engine hours, we had 17 engine hours out of the last 24 when all other boats had zero. In retrospect we could have put up our asymmetrical spinnaker but it was easier to motor.
For this trip the excellent boat would be the second choice. I regret that I spent so much on getting the boat ready but it has been nice that we have had few failures. We have had our share. We totally ripped a head sail beyond repair once. We bought a new sail in Mauritius. I have done several sewing repairs that have held up. My sewing kit has been real handy. Our refrigeration was not the best for a long portion of the trip. The compressor ran more than normal and therefor ate up more energy. It was fixed I think in Capetown. I hope it last. They found nothing wrong other than low on gas. They did not find a leak. Hopefully we do not still have a very slow leak.
As far as the captain is concerned, I think that all of our boats have good captains with significant experience. I would be happy and feel safe sailing on any of the boats. I think a captain and crew with only minimal to moderate experience could do this trip. There is a lot of help among all of us. The Arc puts you in the right place and does well with our briefing for each leg. The inexperienced boat would have to have a lot of book knowledge to be prepared with spares and proper sails for so much downwind sailing.
May fair winds fill your sails with just enough wind and matching skills.

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