Blue Pearl - Big Orange
Well, it happened on day 3 out of the Galapagos. Our new all orange A2
asymmetrical sail went up for the very first time and she was a sight
to behold. More importantly, she moved to boat at a nice 6-8kts in very
little wind.
The very first day after leaving Puerto Ayora was an absolutely perfect
sailing day. We moved at about 8 knots through calm waters with a modest
wind blowing and a nice current helping us along. We figured we can
handle this 2950 mile crossing easily. Of course reality soon set in and
we spent the next 36 hours slogging through squalls, windy squalls,
rainy squalls, no wind squalls, they all visited us and we didn't see
the sun once. And were the seas confused, waves from every direction,
frequency and height. A combination that doesn't make for relaxed sailing.
So, we went looking for the long promised trade winds which took us
further south than planned but we finally found them, first a gentle
breeze, which is when Big Orange went up, and now a nice 12-16knot wind
out of the south east which is moving us along at 8-9knots under our
full size jib and a mainsail with a reef in it. The seas are still
somewhat confused but significantly friendlier than yesterday and...the
sun is shining.
OH, I almost forgot to mention our first catch of the journey, a
beautiful skip jack tuna which will provide us with two evening meals. I
skipped over the part where we get the fish on board, off the hook ,
killed and cut up for consumption. Let me just say: "it was not pretty"
Captain Ruud.