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Mischief - Mischief in the Making Log 27 Further adventures of S/Y Mischief through the eyes and ears of Chas Baynes

Day 56 Tuesday 24th April 2018 - Taina Marina Papeete, Tahiti

Set off early at 0645 from Cooks Bay towards Taina marina on Tahiti. It had been raining heavily during the night and into the early morning and we had a little lightning to boot. The rain had brought down some really murky water into the bay, which for some reason was really warm, much more so than usual. The anchor and chain were full of gloopy black mud so had to wash off the decks before it dried, not that it would have had much of a chance as the rain squalls are coming thick and fast this morning with no sun in prospect. It seems we have this weather for a couple of days at least according to the local forecast.

We arrived at Taina fuel pontoon at 1030 in torrential rain, in fact it was raining so hard we couldn't take the caps off the fuel tanks for fear of them filling with water running down the decks; it was cold as well! Eventually when we had managed to fill the tanks between down pours we followed the moorings boat to our berth, again in the rain. It was still raining at mid-day but we had a bacon sandwich to lighten the mood. At least Moorea was appearing through the gloom so there is hope that it's clearing a little!

1300 - no it is not! Absolutely throwing it down again and we have to go to Carrefour…… but we braved it between showers and got there before it started again, and managed to spend just under a million CFPs ($1,000) re-provisioning which included only two cases of beer, all else being food and cleaning products. There were three full trolley loads but fortunately they had a 'Mike', the delivery man with his white van who drove us into the marina, around the gate and onto the pontoon direct to the boat - he even helped unload the supplies. Proper service with a smile.

We had bought some steak with the shopping and will have that for dinner this evening - we have invited Vanessa and Jacob from Shepherd Moon over as they have just arrived back from UK sorting domestic issues. Hang on - they have had a better offer on Cayuse! Oh well, more for us.

Why, oh why is the wifi rubbish here too in the marina? Very frustrating in the evening at the marina office sitting outside trying to send important emails and waiting for downloads even of relatively small files when it just hangs - grrrrh!

Anyway, tomorrow we are due back into Papeete marina for two free nights and the ARC Rendezvous that most boats we have spoken to are avoiding; many are just carrying on up the islands. The Mayor's reception could be interesting if there are only very few boats there. We shall wait and see but there is a free glass of wine on offer so we can't miss that can we.

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