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Allegrini - ARC+ 2018 Day 6

Well what an amazing ocean, yesterday we were visited by the largest pod of
Dolphins we have ever seen, there must have been over 100 of them, this
coupled with Pilot whales and flying fish, is making this trip even more
worthwhile, let alone the amazing sunrises and sunsets and stars, so many
stars! Zero light pollution, stunning, just stunning!

As we prepare for the final leg of our 1st stage from Las Palmas to Mindelo,
many lessons have been learnt that will put us in great stead for the
atlantic crossing, sail configurations, when to put them up and more
importantly when to take them down, ease up on satellite time! its like
buying shares in the company! watch your sweet rations, they go so quickly
on nightshift, but one of the most important lessons learnt in particular to
our boat, is don't slosh down the cockpit when someone is sleeping below
with the inner porthole open!

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